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soy sauce paste

Soy sauce paste is a thick seasoning mainly based on soy sauce, which is further boiled, concentrated, and prepared. It is dark brown in color, fine in texture, and has a strong sauce flavor and fresh taste. It is one of the common cooking condiments in East Asia, especially in Taiwan, China, Fujian, China, and other places. Soy sauce paste not only has the basic seasoning function of soy sauce, but also adds a unique taste and rich layering to dishes due to its unique texture and flavor

Taste and flavor: Soy sauce paste is semi-solid or paste like, with low fluidity and a mellow taste. It has both the salty and fresh taste of soy sauce, as well as the unique caramel aroma and complex aroma produced during the cooking process. Sweetness varies depending on the formula, and some products may have a certain sweetness.
Widely used: Due to its viscous nature, soy sauce paste can better adhere to the surface of ingredients during cooking, enhancing the color and flavor of dishes. Commonly used in various cooking occasions such as stir frying, barbecue, stewing, and dipping, it is especially suitable for cooking braised dishes, which can make the dishes bright red in color and rich in flavor.
Convenient quantification: Compared to liquid soy sauce, soy sauce paste is easier to control the dosage, and one spoonful can bring a rich sauce aroma, which is particularly suitable for dishes that require precise seasoning.

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